Saturday, September 06, 2008

Well, I had to work today. Like what Mark said, what a way to spend a Saturday. Initially I wanted to join Mark and GZ, as they are going down to Sim Lim and get the computer parts for Mark's new computer. Heh, but somehow, I was stupid enough to ask the boss yesterday whether I need to work for today, and I was greeted with work on 2 Saturdays, and off days on 2 Wednesdays. How nice ehh! -___-'' So relunctant can, thought I can sleep longer on a Saturday morning, BUT I HAD TO WAKE UP AT 730AM! Lucky the traffic was light, I left house at 8 and I reached at 820AM. Nyeh, cos my Dad fetch me.

Ok, I dont know what am I typing over here. Chilly night!

So after 2 weeks of IAP, I had like 19 cuts on my right hand, and 12 cuts on my left, minor ones. Mostly are caused by thorns of roses. Nice, smooth petals but not so good stems. I got cut by the thorns over my existing wound today, OUCH. Seriously, it searing pain. Nyeh, what to do. I guess I still have to go through all these and finish my IAP. Right now, I regret going to NParks, not because of the pay, this IAP is about learning, not carrying stuff all day long, helping out to tidy up the place, which I dont know what modules that I have learned can be applied to this area...

Alright, put this aside, below is a picture of the roses that I came across today. And I have to totally agree to Amaka, the Landscape Designer of Candy. As he said, this is the most beautiful rose that they have imported from other countries like China and India. Pink petals with a tinge of white. It is called Maria by the way (:

Didnt meet up with the clique this week. Sians! NEXT WEEK MEET OK!? But I will be working on Saturday, and I will be off on Wednesday. I think I say here also no people will care one. Hahaha, in the end, "someone" have to sms everyone and ask. Nyeh...

Thats it for now I guess. I always hope next week is a better week, and everyday will better than before...but..really...?

Was I ever scared...? Yes..
I cant stop guessing,
what's going to happen,what's your reaction and stuff.
I am trying hard to be what I was 2 years ago.
So how is it going for you..?

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