Saturday, March 10, 2007

WOOT!! Went to IT show at Suntec just now.Alot of ppl sia.But eye-opening experience cos of all the cheaps sales over dere.Its super cheap la!! But, can see cannort get,SIAN!

After walking the IT show, moii rq and xy go eat PastaMania.Before dat we wanted to walk the fountain of wealth, to wash handsokay dats my sarcasm hahas. Sia la, after eating PastaMania i and xy were damn full la, its lyk full to the brim of my stomach sia!! Okay after eating, went to wash hands walk the fountain of wealth lols.After dat,walk arnd and went home.But i and rq went to Chinatown, as its still early. Xy went home,nort feeling well though.

Went to Chinatown for waD eu guys may tink. Well, rq recently is in a DIY craze. Making necklaces and earrings and stuff lidat. So i went wif her to People's Park Complex, and walk arnd some shops dat sell beads, metal chains, and accessories. Its simply jus 'WOW!', sooooo many varieties of beads la. Sudden thought of making DIY necklace or bracelets for my frnds bdae. Girls nia la. Wa lao. Guys.....Erm, difficult but still can. I even wanna make one for myself. Prices are quite reasonable. Might consider going dere agn wif my frnd, hahas. Eye opening experience for moii agn todae!

Okay, i nd ideas to make my bracelet and necklace. Hahas, i feel dat DIY ish fun. Eu feel the satisfaction when eu actually wear the tings dat eu design to eur own liking and dey are cheap. So we went home after rq bought her stuff. On my way home walking from the MRT, i saw a Swiss Cottage student carrying a A4 paper box filled wif her textbooks. Hahas, it reminds moii of my secondary school time. I was liddat too, however i was nort so fortunate lyk her to hav a box to put her books in and carry. I carried it wif my hands okay. -_-''' i mean the books in my hands, without the book strap or anitng to secure them together. Hahas. I was damn shag when i reach home wif the mountain of books la. With a mountain of books in student's hands when the school ish gonna start the holiday ish quite common i guess. Excuse moii...THIS IS SINGAPORE!! lols. I doubt any school will actually provide lockers for students to put their books in. Seriously.

Okay. Holidays for secondary school students have started. This simply means, my brother will wake up earlier den moii the whole of next week to use the computer -_-''' so tired todae, stay tune den!

JonM, the DIY dat i m saeing ish nort wad eur frnd said.
I noe its Do-It-Yourself, i get wad eu mean.
But, dude tink str8.LOL!

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